The new year is a good time to make sure your family has everything they need in case of a bad ice, snow storm, or other natural disaster. To help our readers, we put together a list of things to do and items to have on hand in case of an emergency — no matter where you live. We’re big believers in being prepared, and this is a way you can intentionally care for your family and loved ones.
This list is by no means the end-all-be-all guide — and depending where you live, you may want to have different or additional items on hand. But having these basics will give you peace of mind. And to be sure you always have it handy, we created a printable with the entire list below. Download it below for free!
Supplies for Emergency Kit:
- Bottled water
- Non-perishable food
- Flashlights
- Batteries
- Phone battery brick
- Water meter key if you need for emergency water shut off (check to see what kind you need)
- LED lanterns/head lamps
- Window coverings
- Cooler
- Camping stove
- Gas for stove
- Generator
- Faucet Covers
- Extra towels
- First aid kit
- Instant formula, bottles, diapers, etc.
- Pet food
- Cash
- Sleeping bag
- Books, games, puzzles, or other activities for children (there are lots of fun activity ideas in this post)
- Medications
- Emergency blankets
- Electric space heater
What to Do Before a Storm:
Fill car with gas
Drip sink, shower, and bathtub faucets (in the event of freezing weather)
Change batteries in carbon monoxide and fire detectors
Gather gloves and hats for the family (in the event of a winter storm)
Unhook garage door/open electric gates
Cover air vents and registers
Cover pool equipment
Weather strip doors/cover windows as needed
If you live in Texas, place any elderly or medically dependent family members on the Critical Condition or Critical Care Residential List. Print this form and have a doctor sign and send in to the Public Utility Commission of Texas. When there is a power outage and they’re reviewing grids, anyone on this list will be highlighted and supposedly given first consideration. It’s not a guarantee but it could be potentially helpful. If you live in another state, check with your state government’s website for how to register.
Let us know if you think anything else should be added to this list! And don’t forget to download the printable list above.
I would add fire extinguisher. Especially if you lose water.
Good idea! We will add that!