Classic Christmas Books For Children

Classic Christmas Books For Children

Classic Children's Books

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A friend of mine does an Advent Book Calendar with her children every year. She will wrap up 25 books and put them under the tree and each night they will read a different Christmas book. I think I’m going to start this with my own family in a few days (if I can get my act together, that is!). Since I’ve been pulling together my favorite Christmas books and asking friends for their recommendations, I thought I’d share this great list with my readers.

My friend told me that this tradition is nice because the tree looks full of presents starting in early December. By Christmas Eve it’s sparse again and ready for a bountiful display of presents come Christmas morning!

advent calendar tree books presents brown paper gift wrap
Source: Carissa’s Activity Space

All of the books I’ve pulled together are classic Christmas books with beautiful illustrations and rich story lines (except the ones for babies and toddlers- those are just cute!). All would make wonderful Christmas presents for children and family friends. Give them earlier in the month so they can enjoy them all season!

I like giving books at Christmas time because they aren’t something that will be consumed and never thought of again. Families will enjoy good Christmas books for years to come and then will pass them down to their children and grandchildren! (Don’t forget to write an inscription in the front cover, though, so they can remember who its from!)

Okay, below are my recommendations. I have read nearly all of these, except a few that came highly recommended by some very trusted friends.

You can click on any book to order right from Amazon. I didn’t do age recommendations because even if your child isn’t old enough to read one now, he/she will be able to one day and these are all worth having! (And I noted the ones that are good for the younger ones!):

Let me know if you order any of these classic Christmas books for children.

And be sure to to browse the DoSayGive Holiday Gift Guide for more great gifts (and books for adults!).

Happy Giving!








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17 thoughts on “Classic Christmas Books For Children

  1. Pingback: Hot Saturday Sales
  2. Just ordered a couple of these, thanks, Lee! I would also add The Tale of Three Trees…it’s another great one!

  3. Love this list, Lee. Two other favorites of ours are An Angel Came To Nazareth by Maggie Keen. Beautiful illustrations and thoughtful story. I always tear up when I read this story to my kids.
    Also Song of the Stars by Sally Lloyd-Jones and illustrated by Alison Jay. It offers a unique view of Christmas Eve 🙂

  4. Hi Lee, I’ve enjoyed reading your blog. I especially appreciate your children’s book suggestions. I have a question about how you store your Christmas books during the year: Do you keep the Christmas books easily accessible through the year, to read as your children choose? Do you box them up and bring them out as the season of advent approaches? I’ve started a nice collection and am trying to decide what to do. I’d love to know your thoughts! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Jenny! I box mine up with my Christmas decorations. For my girls, it makes pulling them out after Thanksgiving so much more exciting (and anxious to read them, which I’m all for!). Although we did leave out a new book, “The Nutcracker,” because my oldest daughter is obsessed with the Nutcracker right now (and a friend gave it to her!). Thanks for your kind feedback!

  5. Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree!! I forgot all about this book and I absolutely LOVED it when I was a child. I’m going to purchase tonight to read with my daughter this week. Thank you for the amazing list!