Free E-Book: What Your Teen Needs to Know Before High School

Announcing: Free E-Book for Moms of Upcoming High Schoolers!

Mothering Teens and Tweens

Are you a mom bracing for your child’s leap into high school? If so, I’ve got something special just for you! I’m thrilled to announce the launch of our first e-book, designed especially for moms like us who are navigating the transition as their child prepares to enter high school.

This e-book is a labor of love, packed with tips, insights, and wisdom gleaned from my own experiences and those of other moms who’ve been through it. It covers everything I wish someone had told me before my daughter embarked on her high school journey. From what skills to make sure they know before high school to how to stay connected to them during the fast-paced high school years all while fostering independence, growth and virtue, this e-book has so many helpful resources I wish I’d had, and I’m excited to share it with you!

But here’s the best part: I’m offering it for free because I truly believe in supporting moms through this pivotal stage of their child’s life. So I hope it’s helpful and please pass along this post with any moms you know who may have a child starting high school in the fall.

Here’s to making the high school transition a little smoother for us all!


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