Did you know that my blog post topics often come from emails I receive from DoSayGive readers? One of the questions I get asked a lot: what are some special ideas for a first birthday present? Today I’m sharing some of my favorites for boys and girls, and in several price points!
1. Personalized Birthday Plate

2. Personalized Birthday Book!

3. Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair

A go-to gift for one-year-olds is a personalized PB Kids Anywhere Chair (prices start at $89 but check for sales!). The perfect size and they will enjoy it for years to come. (They have one called My First Anywhere Chair but I say go ahead and get the regular size they can use for many years.)
4. Radio Flyer Classic Walker Red Wagon
My children loved to put their toys in this Radio Flyer walker wagon ($75) and walk all around the house and on the sidewalk. Fill with books or toys for a wow gift! You could even have some handpaint the child’s name on it.
5. A Classic Book
6. Birthday Ring

7. A Corolle Baby Doll

A classic Corolle baby doll ($30-36) is a fun gift for a one-year-old girl. She may not use it right away (or she might!) but I like the weight and size of these dolls for toddlers and they will enjoy for several years. You can buy these at any fine children’s toy store or on Amazon. If the little girl is already getting a doll from someone else, try a cute accessory like this wooden doll carriage.
8. Clothes!
The first birthday is one birthday where children don’t mind receiving clothes;). If you are a grandmother or aunt, I think it’s sweet to ask if you can purchase a special birthday dress or outfit. That is also a thoughtful gesture to the mom as well – just make sure you ask their opinion before purchasing! The darling outfit and felt crown above is from Hip Hip Hooray in Dallas and they ship all over the country. (The crown can be personalized and would be a special gift, too!).
What are your ideas for special first birthday gifts? Share below!

What do you think?