I’ve found some more AWESOME deals for y’all. Staub, Kate Spade, Kendra Scott, Nordstrom, Dremmel, great cashmere sales, and more are included in this HOT Saturday Sales post.
Click on pictures for direct links. My favorite is the Tory Burch change purse, the cashmere sweaters (which always make a great gift for women), the Staub, and the Fuji Instax Camera. Many of these will go fast!
Let me know if you order anything from this HOT Saturday Sales list! I had several friends order the knife set for their husbands and lots of you tell me you bought a Clare Vivier clutch (or told your husbands to buy one for you!). Can’t wait to hear what everyone is getting for Christmas. Be sure to share with your husbands, boyfriends, moms, etc.
And don’t forget to read my favorite Christmas books for children post from yesterday. I show a cute example of how to incorporate great books all season long and I’ve got some wonderful book recommendations (many you might not have heard of before! (Click here).
I can’t wait to get out my Christmas decorations, but most of all, I can’t wait to get out our Christmas books! Here is a preview:
Happy Giving!
And please be sure to “Share” or “Like” on Facebook!
Great Men’s Gifts
Great Children’s Gifts
What do you think?