Friday Faves | 3.31.17 | Do Say Give

Friday Faves | 3.31.17


simone le blanc

More favorites this Friday, including awesome sales, sage advice, and a really sweet baby gift I received this week!

Favorite Budget Find…These girls’ eyelet shorts from Target (below left) are nearly identical to the ones at Crewcuts and much cheaper. Perfect for our summer play clothes’ stash!




Problem-Solving Product … My three girls share a bathroom and are constantly arguing over the toothpaste and where to put their toothbrushes. I got so fed up that I stole this idea from a friend: I bought each of my girls one of these slotted toothbrush holders from The Container Store and had Well Bowed make decals for each one. So each girl has their own holder with their own toothpaste and toothbrush (and can squeeze out the toothpaste however they so desire!). My husband thinks it’s silly, but I say: problem solved!

Article I saved…This Southern Living slideshow on container gardens might give you some ideas for your front porch this spring as well!

Book I started reading…Brain on FireIt’s a medical mystery true story. The book is dedicated to people who have never found a diagnosis, which struck me because for the first two years of my daughter’s life I exhausted every effort to find a diagnosis to explain some of her physical issues. As much as we love doctors, we had so many whose care only came “by the (medical) book” and who would not look outside the box to try and figure things out. So topics like this really interest me. Maybe not a great beach read but the author’s story is fascinating and chilling at the same time!

Favorite Sales…

  • I was a Nordstrom today and, oh my goodness, if you like upscale brands like Alice + Olivia and Kate Spade, there are some amazing pieces for 25% off. This darling black dress is 40% off!

Okay don’t laugh at this one, but Dallas friends, Tom Thumb has La Croix 12-packs 3 for $10! Yes, I know, #yuppielife but that’s a really good deal if you drink LaCroix like we do!

Sweet gift I received this week…How gorgeous is this gift crate that  I reveived with the Petite Bébé onesies I love and the softest blanket that I can’t wait to use. Remember this company the next time you want to send a “wow” baby gift!

Good advice I heard this week…My grandmother used to tell me this all the time but my mom reminded me of it this week: “Lee, we are going to thank God for what He is going to do.” I can remember one time in particular when I felt my life was falling apart (it was!) and I was bawling over the phone to my sweet grandmother. And she prayed aloud in her perfect Memphis drawl, “Lord, we thank you for what you are about to do.” Because God is never finished with us. He is never going to leave us in the depths of despair or in the miry clay. He is always working and we can proclaim that expectantly and in faith.

Looking forward to…next weekend’s Savor Dallas (don’t forget to enter to win two tickets here!)

Happy Weekend!

Photo: Beckley & Co.


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6 thoughts on “Friday Faves | 3.31.17

  1. I read “Brain on Fire” a couple of years ago. Fascinating! And terrifying at the same time. Great post. Thanks Lee!

  2. Love this Lee! I have the same Container Store toothpaste holder and it’s perfect! Their toothbrushes and toothpaste was driving me crazy. I need to add a decal to it though! And I was so excited to stock up on La Croix yesterday too. 🙂 Love your grandmother’s advice- thanks for the reminder!
    Book Recommendations- Adored A Man Called Ove and just read his other book – My Grandmother Said to Tell You She’s Sorry. Both were so heartwarming and dear!

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