Make 2017 Count: Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner

Make 2017 Count with Powersheets Intentional Goal Planner!


powersheets notebook

I’m taking a break from holiday gift posts today to share a tool that was really helpful to me when I started my blog/business. If you are thinking ahead to your goals for 2017 (can you believe we are talking about 2017?!) and even throwing around a few crazy dreams for your business or family, Cultivate What Matters’ new Powersheets One-Year Intentional Goal Planner might be just what you need!

A few years ago I came across Lara Casey’s Instagram page. Having recently started DoSayGive, the idea of goal-setting and being intentional with my new business was appealing, but also daunting. So halfway through the year, on a whim, I bought her Powersheets and got to thinking about what it is I wanted to accomplish for my blog in the coming months. I had so many ideas floating around in my head but actually putting pen to paper helped me formulate them more clearly, and focus on the ones that seemed most worthy of my time.

royal blue grocery dallas

Fast forward two years I am thrilled to see Powersheets in a handy notebook format, with specific places where I can jot down visions and goals for my business and my family and, well, just life in general! This bright and cheerful notebook arrived at my door just this week so I’ve spent a little time going through. Here’s what I love so far:

The monthly sections. Each section in the Powersheets One Year Intentional Goal Planner has a page for for things that would really benefit me every month. 

  • Writing down what’s ahead for the month.
  • A place for letting go of any mental clutter (i.e. writing it all out!)
  • A place to jot down goals and then categorize them into monthly, weekly, or daily goals. (For example, and this is a personal goal, but since I often work at night after the girls go to bed I want to carve out one night where I just get in bed and watch t.v. or read and NOT open my computer to check emails!)
  • A gratitude page. For celebrating victories, writing memories, and writing the names of specific people for whom you are thankful.powersheetspowersheetslara casey power sheets

Every three months (Spring/Summer/Fall) there is a divider with a few pages to help “clear the clutter” with suggestions for how to refocus on your initial 2017 goals. Ideas like:

  • Reexamining social media usage and suggestions for clearing out social media feeds and email subscriptions.
  • Figuring out what worked and didn’t work in the previous three months.
  • A list of what you are going to say “no” to over the next three months and what you are going to say “yes” to. (Might need to read this DoSayGive “what to say” post for tips on saying no!)


It has stickers! And happy colors and encouraging quotes. This is a not a self-help tool that will leave you feeling bad about yourself or guilty for not meeting a goal. Rather it’s an uplifting reminder of what’s important which is what I need as a  a work-from-home mom who is constantly fine tuning how my time is spent.

I am looking forward (actually I’m counting down the days!) until Christmas break when Christmas parties and and holiday blog posts are finished and I can really digest this past crazy year and take the time to plan my goals and thoughts for 2017 using this Powersheets Goal Planer.

make it happen planner

Oh and I know I said this wasn’t a holiday gift post but, now that I think about it, this workbook might be a real boost to a friend or sister wanting to make some changes or start a new venture in 2017.  Pair with a cute pen for a thoughtful gift under the tree!

I will also mention that I had several readers message me that they ordered Write the Word Journals after my Teacher Gift idea post a few days ago. These are such a nice quality for the affordable $15 price tag and such a meaningful gift.


Thanks so much to Lara Casey Media for sponsoring this post. It was a joy to do!


And now for a new tradition I am starting this year on DoSayGive – a 12 Days of DoSayGive giveaway featuring some of my favorite gift ideas! The first day one winner will win a personalized St. Anne’s Tote valued up to $165! This tote is on my top gift ideas for her and is amazing because you can personalize the color, pattern, monogram – everything! One lucky winner will get to design her own tote for herself or to give to her mom or sister (or whoever!) for Christmas! Enter below and check back everyday to see what amazing gifts DoSayGive is giving away!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Photos: Beckley & Co.

Shop the Post: 

Navy coat // Rebecca Minkoff tote //

Emily Ley Pen //Brown Boots

Big O Key ring // Ossential Wallet



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