A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of hosting a trunk show for The Beaufort Bonnet Company. Today I want to share with my readers about this wonderful company. Plus, they are extending a special trunk offer to DoSayGive followers.
Despite the celebrity-driven trend toward skinny jeans and graphic tees for children, The Beaufort Bonnet Company started in 2009 with the belief that some mothers craved a more traditional and refined style for their children. The company is headquartered in Kentucky but their signature “Beaufort” bonnet is actually based on a centuries-old pattern from the the town of Beaufort, South Carolina.

Before The Beaufort Bonnet Company, deeply-rooted Southern mothers could find traditional bonnets at various women’s exchanges scattered among the South. But the founder of The Beaufort Bonnet Company sensed that this style would appeal to so many more. And they were right! Today their clothes and bonnets can be found in over 200 stores nationwide as well as online.
The Beaufort Bonnet Company dresses boys and girls from newborn up to a size 4T. Here are some of their popular classics for children:
The Bucket Hat is what Southern boys wear to the beach and pool! This comes in several adorable patterns!

How cute are these Beach Bum Covers ($25 + $10 monogram)? Shown with a Beaufort Bucket hat in gingham ($44).

My friends with boys went gaga over these color block pastel Coral Bay swim trunks.

Can we say “throwback” to the 80s? Love!
I fell in love with this Talbot Side Tie in Pink Windowpane ($56) and am ordering it for my two year old.

I had so much fun bringing their trunk show to Dallas and seeing their clothes up close. How cute would these sunsuits be on boy/girl siblings or twins this summer?

This was my first time ever hosting a trunk show; hanging the clothes on the widows was something I’ve seen friends do for trunk shows. The light shining in made them all the more precious!
One really popular item at the trunk show was this giant Isabel Beach Bag ($200).
How many times do you buy a beach or pool bag and then realize you can’t fit everything in it? So annoying! I tested it this one out and it can hold five beach towels plus toys! I also love that this bag is fully waterproof if you get in lined (extra $15) and comes in many color combinations. (If you need any ideas, I’ll be happy to give you some!).
And if you are needing a baby gift, TBBC has wonderful heirloom gifts. For example, moms love these bow swaddles for photos:

The Beaufort Bonnet Company is so nice to let me extend the trunk show FREE SHIPPING offer to my blog readers. So if you spend over $200 on their website, use code TRUNKFREESHIP to get Free Shipping.
If you do you order something, please tell them DoSayGive sent you. You can write DoSayGive in the “Notes” section of the ordering page. (And, yes, I will get credit as I would in a normal trunk show, so thank you!)
You will get your bonnets in time for Easter when you order in February.
Also, if you want a list of stores where TBBC is carried, you can find it here. Layette here is Dallas (that I wrote about a few weeks ago) carries this precious line!
Now for the GIVEAWAY! The Beaufort Bonnet Company is giving one DoSayGive reader a Bellefaire Bonnet in Yellow Dixie Dot with seersucker liner and ties in a size medium (size 9-24m) which is valued at $68.00!
Here’s how to enter**:
1. “Like” DoSayGive and The Beaufort Bonnet Company on Facebook.
2. “Share” this post on Facebook. (Click coral share button below)
3. Comment below telling me that you shared and tell me one reason you love dressing children in classic clothing.
Let me know if you order anything and what adorable things you picked out.
And if you enjoyed this post, sign up to be on DoSayGive’s email list! You will get notified of new posts fearing lovely and refined ways to “do, say, and give.” (Sign up on right sidebar!).
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**Contest Ends Thursday February 12th at 10 p.m. CST. U.S. Residents Only. Due to Facebook privacy restrictions, I may not be able to verify some likes and shares so please comment below to ensure entry into contest.
I’m so glad you can still get credit for my order since I missed the trunk show 🙂 I love dressing my kids in classic clothing because it reminds me of my grandmother
Liked and shared! I love dressing my daughter Sutherlyn in Beaufort Bonnet Clothing. The clothing represents a down home Southern values
That is right! Thanks so much for entering!
Shared! We ordered our very first bonnet recently for our daughter Millie and can’t wait to put it on her! I love that TBBC makes timeless, beautiful clothes! My daughter is almost 7 months old, I want her to look feminine and sweet for as long as she’ll let me dress her! Some clothes are made to look so grown up and I’m not ready for that! Thankful for a line that will allow us to do so!
Thank you!
I I don’t just like, I Love Do Say Give and tB C! Dressing my children like children is very important to me. They have the rest of their lives to dress like “little men and ladies”! Classic styles like these will also be treasured and passed down to my grand babies ones day!
Thank you so much! That means so much!
Shared! I dress my children in classic clothing because trends come and go, so I prefer my babies to wear timeless styles that will still look beautiful when we look back on photos years from now. Also, babies should look like babies! They will have plenty of time to wear trendy clothes down the road as teenagers 🙂
Thank you so much! And totally agree!
What a great post! I defintely shared on Facebook! I love dressing my daughter in classic clothes because little girls look precious and elegant in timeless pieces.
Thank you!
Liked and shared! I love TBBC and all of their sweet, classic clothes and accessories. My daughter, Della Ruth, has one of their bonnets, and I can’t wait to purchase more in the coming years. I love classic clothing because it is timeless–and I love purchasing from quality brands like TBBC because I know the pieces will be treasured for years!
Thank you so much!
Liked and shared! I love dressing my kids in classic clothes because they are only this little once and I want to enjoy every sweet moment!
Agree! Thank you for entering!
Liked and shared!
I absolutely love dressing my children the way children should be dressed. I want to have memories of them in classic clothing that truly shows their innocence. My hope is that they continue this
Style throughout life and with their own children:)
Thank you so much and totally agree!
We love TBBC for our little girls. They have everything a southern little girl could need. So glad there is a compny like this. ❤️
Thank you so much!
Great giveaway! Love TBBC and dressing my four grandsons and one granddaughter in classic smocked and monogrammed clothing…and bonnets!!!!
Thank you so much!!
Love these bonnets! Liked and shared 🙂 I love dressing all FOUR of my babes like the precious little children that they are…they have the rest of their life to wear jeans and khakis 🙂
Thank you so much!!
Shared! I love dressing my son in The Beaufort Bonnet Company clothes because they are well made and are classic styles. Plus, he looks so precious and they are only little for a short time 🙂
Thanks so much for entering!
I liked and shared to enter! Thanks so much for doing this giveaway! I love being able to look at pictures of myself as a child and my girls now and see all of us wearing the same style. The classic look is just perfect to me!
You are welcome! It is so much fun for me! Thanks for entering!
Shared! I will dress my children in classic clothing because it’s simply timeless! There are so many mix and match items and the style never “expires”!
Totally agree! And thank you for entering!
Love TBBC!! Love their sweet, classic style. I especially love their bonnets in the summer with a swim suit.
Oh and liked and shared
Thank you so much!
Classic clothes are beautiful and timeless and that’s what these are. Gorgeous heirlooms that will be passed down. Would love to win this precious bonnet for my baby girl!
Yes, yes, yes! Thank you so much!
Shared! I love the classic, Southern clothes. Stylish, always appropriate, and they’ll make our first look like a Southern Gentleman right from the start!
That is so right! Thank you so much!
Shared! I love TBBC and DoSayGive of course! Dressing my girl in timeless clothing like this is so fun because she’ll only be little once!
I know! Tears! Thanks so much for entering!
T.B.B.C. is a precious company!! I like to say I’m a Southern girl at heart. I’m raising two precious baby girls in the heart of the Midwest. I know that dressing my darling girls in timeless clothing means they will act and be treated like the sweet, classic LITTLE GIRLS that they are. I’m so blessed to call them mine.
Oops! I liked and shared on Facebook as well!!
Thanks so much!!
i love this unique giveaway, thank you! Dressing our children in classic smocked clothes reminds me of the sweet photos both my husband and I have of ourselves when we were young and I love having that connection to this timeless tradition. Liked and shared!
Thank you so much!
I love their style because I love dressing my babies like babies! I’m trying to keep them little for as long as I can! Liked and shared!
Agree to that! Thank you!
I shared on FB! I dress my little girls in classic clothing because I know that when I’m older I can look back at pictures and I won’t wonder “what was I thinking dressing them like that”! And, it’s the southern thing to do:)
Thank you so much!
Hi Lee, I shared your post on facebook. I love dressing Elizabeth in classic clothing because it highlights her joyful and innocent spirit!!
Thank you so much! And I agree completely!
I love dressing my 2 little girls in traditional clothing because they look like little girls!
Thank you so much!
I love seeing my grandchildren in classic clothing. I am from the south and only have memories of babies in classic styles. Keep them babies as long as you can in classic style! Shared and liked!
My mom is the same way! My grandmother raised us all to dress our children “like children.” Thank you so much for entering!
Shared your post!! Love these beautiful traditional clothes on my babies!
Thank you!
I adore TBBC . Children already grow up SO fast. Dressing them like teenagers only makes it worse. Plus, classic clothes are timeless , so no embarrassig pictures to look back on 🙂
Such a great point! Thanks so much!
Liked and shared! I love dressing my daughter Sutherlyn in Beaufort Bonnet Clothing. The clothing represents down home Southern values and shows true Southern Grace and charm!
Thank you so much for entering!
Shared 🙂 Love TBBC and the innocence of their clothes. There will be plenty of time to grow up later!
That is right! Thanks so much for entering!
Liked & shared.
For me I look at photos of my son in classic clothes and it melts me. There is just something about a boy in Jon Jon’s or my tiny one in her bow swaddle. I’ll look back and remember these precious moments in time and I can almost smell that sweet baby smell.
I know the feeling! Thank you so much!
Thanks for introducing me to Beaufort Bonnet! I’m so glad to now know about this company – I have always preferred timeless fashion and always knew I would dress my daughter in classic styles. I want to preserve her innocence and childhood as long as possible, and what she wears helps to do that. Plus, it’s fun!
You are welcome! I love being able to introduce my readers to wonderful things! Thank you!
Shared! i love dressing the way i grew up! so glad it is still around ( a whole 25 years later 😉 )!
Thank you so much!
Erin! You are the winner! Congratulations! I have your email address from the entry and will email you for your address!
Liked and shared! Love TBBC because the clothes are classic and timeless and my kids are only young once.
That is right! Thank you so much for entering!
Shared! I love classic children’s clothing because it is timeless. I hope that my daughter can one day pass down some of her clothes to HER children- they become family treasures!
She will! I still have my clothes from when I was little. All timeless!
Shared and Liked! I love dressing my daughter in classic children’s clothing because they are beautiful. Trends come and go, and while I love a few of them, the outfits that take my breathe away are always the classics. I love smocked, applique and even the occasional mall brand, but classic clothing patterns will never change. My mother saved some of my handmade dresses she smocked and sewed from the early 80’s and they are as timeless today as they were back then.
You said it beautifully! I have many of my old dresses, too! My grandmother handsmocked them all and I treasure them! Thanks so much…
Liked and shared! I love the classic beauty if TBBC, and cannot wait for my daughter to wear her bonnets!
Yay! Thanks so much!
Liked and Shared. I treasure dressing my children in the classic heirloom styles that my mother dressed me in, as fast as these babes grow up these days, why rush it with mini grown up styles. We’ll hold on to the sweet clothes as long as possible 🙂
Thanks so much!!
Love your site and TBBC!
Thank you so much!
Shared it! I believe bitties should be dressed like sweet ones, not little old men or tacky tweens. My sons and daughter all have pastel colored closets! Day gowns and white, white, white!
Your comment made me laugh! My mother and grandmother brought me up the same way!
So excited about this giveaway! I love classic clothing because it is something that my childrens kids and their children would be able wear and pass down! Flawless and timeless!
Liked and shared!
Thank you for entering!
So excited about this giveaway! I love classic clothing because it’s something my children’s children can wear and pass down to their kids! Two words… Timeless and flawless!
So true! Thank you for entering!
Liked and shared. I love traditional childrens clothes. The styles are timeless!
Thanks so much!
My children have worn pieces of clothing that belonged to their dad or aunt. I love looking at them on my children and seeing a heritage. As I buy clothes, sometimes I like to think of unwrapping them again in more than twenty years and seeing my grandchildren wear them. I think it will be precious to have those clothes remind me of these sweet days with my babies.
That is so great! Thank you so much for sharing that and thanks or entering!
Shared!!! Classic clothing ans accessories are the best!!!!!!!!!
Liked & shared! I think children should be dressed like children. They have their whole lives to wear jeans and tees, but only a few short years to wear smocked dresses and bonnets :).
Thank you!
I am just now seeing this site, as I was looking for bonnets! I am sure that the Beaufort Bonnet Giveaway is over! I love the Classic clothes as the children only have a few limited years to wear this precious clothing!
Yes it’s over but maybe I’ll do another one for fall bonnets! If you order one tell them you saw on DoSayGive! Thanks for commenting!